Before that at Moon Dragon Studios:
One shortish story put up, yet again finished, so dance with glee. Two icons added to icon page. Main page also edited a bit; I know, I know, it was about time. Incidentally, some time soon I intend to create a new page for my Photoshop attempts at art. If anybody cares.
This done as of Thursday, November 4, '04.
Three shortish stories added - all three finished, can you imagine?
This done as of Saturday, August 14, '04.
Three wallpapers added. *feels sheepish* Not that I expect people to use my little Photoshop doodles...
This done as of Tuesday, July 13, '04.
Index page revised. On wallpapers page, link to thumbnail repaired, alt tags added.
This done as of Sunday, July 11, '04.
New story up, sing halleluyah. Of course, this means I have no time for any others...
This done as of Tuesday, July 6, '04.
New wallpaper put up, at least as soon as the ftp starts working...
This done as of Thursday, April 29, '04.
Phrase in caps added to email in html to foil virus spammers. If you want to mail me, you'll be wanting to remove the TAKETHISOUT message first.
New wallpaper edited, hopefully to be put up soon. *plaintive sigh* School takes up too much time.
This done as of Friday, April 23, '04.
Megatokyo added to excellent online comics list on links page.
Above done as of Monday, March 1, '04.
What Dreams May updated on Stories page. Still not finished.
Above done as of Tuesday, February 24, '04.
Ten wallpapers and one more animated icon added. Yes. Ten.
Above done as of Friday, February 19, '04.
Two wallpapers and two icons added, one icon animated. *Ohhhh, animated!*
More pictures started, whether for icons or wallpapers remains to be seen.
Slightly more progress made on next story to go up.
Above done as of Tuesday, February 17, '04.
Four wallpapers added to page.
More icons started.
Another little bit of progress made on next story to go up.
Above done as of Thursday, February 12, '04.
Two icons added to icon page.
Text version added to Moonrise wallpaper.
More icons and wallpapers started.
Small amount of progress made on next story to go up. Very small. But still.
Above done as of Wednesday, February 11, '04.
Moon Dragon Studios signature added to wallpapers.
Wallpaper link added to all pages.
Internal workings of site modified slightly for ease of handling behind the scenes. If anyone else cares.
Above done as of Thursday, January 29, '04.
CSS played with some more. Finally scroll bar in 800 x 600 resolution disappeared, text visible all around.
Wallpaper banner created.
Wallpaper page finished and uploaded.
Page for past updates started, finished and uploaded.
Above done as of Wednesday, January 28, '04.
CSS seriously played with - oddities to be expected on the front page.
Two icons added to page.
Page started for desktop wallpapers.
All pages adjusted to fit 800 x 600 resolution as well as higher ones.
Link to supremely excellent essay and author's home site added to links page.
Several other minor changes made to various pages.
Above done as of Tuesday, January 27, '04.
Stories section updated.
Other stories put up.
Warning page finished and up.
R-NC-17 stories page finished and up.
Links page updated.
Above done as of Friday, January 23, '04.
Stories section fixed.
Other stories prepared to be put up.
Warning page started for stories that warrent it.
Site info edited slightly again.
Above done as of Thursday, January 22, '04.
Stories section discovered to be screwed up. Stories still documents rather than html files.
Stories section finished.
Main page edited slightly.
Site info edited very slightly.
Above done as of Tuesday, January 20, '04.
Updates before that:
Email link added.
404 page undated.
About Me page finished.
General site info page finished.
General site info page started.
About Me page worked on, near finished.
404 page created.
Strange and abrupt color changes likely. Hey, fair warning.
Navigation bar created and put in place.
Updates page dated.
Main page fiddled with again.
Borders added on icons page to make clear what text goes with what icon.
Banners page created, holding banners and buttons for if you want to link here.
Banners and buttons created.
Two new icons added to page, and possibly-superfluous text as well.
Updates page created.